Saturday, July 6, 2013

Help from the Big Guy Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies Buried

Here are 2 of the 5 uncommon ways that the hill billy (big guy, Leeroy, etc. ) can assist you in the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Buried Zombies map.
when given candy, the big guy can help you in several different ways.

The first way he can help you is if you get something you do not like in the mystery box then he will kick it and re-roll it.
Lets say you pay the mystery box and u get monkey bombs, but you do not want the money bombs. That is when you give the hill billy candy, while he is near the mystery box that you want to re-roll. He will eat the candy and walk over to the mystery box and kick it and the mystery box will re-roll. But be aware that it is possible to get the same weapon you rolled first.

The second way the hill billy will help you is by crafting one of four tools at the work bench you designate. To do this feed the hill billy candy by one of the empty work benches.
He will then after eating the candy walk over to the work bench and look at the work bench.
Then he will walk into the already open General Store and kneel down and look like he is picking up parts and walk back to the same work bench he was at.
At the same work bench he will take a few seconds to create one of the tools at random. He will only take one trip to do this, so he is much faster than a regular player building a tool by himself.

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